Montessori Program
The Montessori classroom is a child’s world, tiered to the size, pace and interests of boys and girls between the ages of three and six. It is designed to put the child at ease by giving her freedom in an environment prepared with attractive materials arranged on low shelves, within easy reach of even the smallest youngster.
The Montessori method of teaching aims for the fullest possible development of the whole child, ultimately preparing the child for life’s many rich experiences.
At Shining Wonders we believe that Montessori is an advantage that lasts a lifetime. Our Montessori students develop a love for learning at a very young age by developing creativity, confidence, critical thinking and problem solving skills, including a positive collaborative attitude, which are all key attributes that stay with them throughout their education and life.
Montessori Sessions
These sessions are conducted in a prepared environment, and consist of the following activities:
- Sensorial activities – enhances and enlarges the child’s sense of perceptions of the world.
- Practical life activities – child develops personal and social skills used in daily living.
- Reading and writing – child learns correct letter enunciation and letter formation.
- Mathematics – introduction to counting and arithmetic.
- Geography – child learns about the world’s different regions through geo-molds and puzzles.
- Science – interesting and fun activities that are “hands on” and “teacher and child friendly.”
Montessori didactic materials are used in all Montessori activities. Computers are used to aid reading and writing activities.

Daycare Program
The daycare program includes:
- Arts and crafts – enhances the child’s creative development.
- Music – singing of songs with actions to enhance emotional and social development.
- Computers – basic keyboard fingering and mouse skills are taught.
- Free play – indoor and outdoor play under staff supervision.
- Group time – children-teacher interactions of teacher directed activities, such as crafts, stories etc.
- Gross motor play – children or teacher directed outdoor or indoor activities promoting physical development.
- Hygiene time – provides an opportunity for children to acquire good personal habits (e.g. hand washing).
- Transition time – transition time between two activities, filled with song and kept to a minimum.
- Rest time – opportunity for younger children to sleep and older children to rest or do quiet activities.
- Theme day – special activities to celebrate St. Patrick’s day, Mother’s day, Father’s day etc.
Enrolment Process
Shining Wonders enrols children who are between the ages of 3-6 years who are toilet trained. The enrolment process consists of 3 steps:
Step 1: Request a tour of the facility by submitting the form below:
At the tour we will provide you with additional information regarding our program and answer any specific questions that you may have. Tours are conducted Mon-Fri from 9:00am – 4:00pm.
Step 2: Complete and return the Enrolment Form. The Enrolment form can be handed to us following the facility tour.
Step 3: Registration fee payment. The non-refundable registration fee of $100.00 is due at the time of enrolment.
Wait List
If your child is not yet 3 years of age, but you still wish to enrol him/her for an upcoming year, please request that your child’s name be added to our wait-list. A $100 non-refundable wait-list fee is required to secure the spot. The fee will serve as the registration fee at time of enrolment.